Malted Carob Sirius Energy Flaxjack – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Malted Carob Sirius Energy Flaxjack


Carob and malt are an amazing combination of flavour, the complex richness of chocolate but there’s no chocolate in it so can be safely eaten by those with allergies to chocolate and it is so chocolate-free you can share it with your dog,

Malt is a super energy ingredient because it breaks down to just glucose, which makes these bars perfect energy bars for an instant hit of energy and the ground linseed gives sustained energy release without the energy drop.

Malted Carob Sirius Energy Flaxjack are perfect for human athletes and if you dog joins in the activity you can safely share these bars with him,  You and your dog share walks and sport, now you can share an energy bar that’s a treat for both of you.

This will help keep even the most active dogs going and help you keep up with them.

Pack of four.

An energy bar you can share with your dog,

Ideal for Canicross, bikejoring, running, beating, picking-up, and  any other active sports or just a really good walk. For very active young  dogs and older dogs needing an energy top up .

A delicious treat for you and your dog

They taste fantastic just like all our Flaxjacks.

Unique recipe adds omega-3 for a healthy metabolism and fibre for help your digestion cope with the rigours of sport and activity.

Note this bar contains barley malt extract which may contain Gluten.