Ground Flaxseed
Flaxseed (linseed) goodness ready to use
Tasty; more than a superfood:

It is simply whole linseeds (also known as flaxseed) freshly cold-milled to a powder, slightly coarser than flour ready for you to add to everyday foods.
SHOP NOWWhat’s ground linseed good for?
The health benefits:
- Rich in Omega-3: supports healthy cholesterol levels
- Good source of protein
- Good source of dietary fibre; support the digestion
- Contains lignans
- Gluten-free
- Slow-release energy, keeps you fuller for longer
Simple, fresh, cold-milled
Flax Farm ground linseed (flaxseed) is simply whole linseeds that have been cold-milled to a fine soft flour-like consistency, It is the most delicious, nutritious, beneficial and right way to enjoy the wholeseed goodness of linseed. A rich dietary source of insoluble and soluble fibre, lignans and omega-3 with of course a lovely nutty flavour. Wheat is unrelated to cereals so is wheat-free and gluten-free.
Linseed: rich in fibre to support a healthy digestion

Our linseed is finely ground and rich in a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre that naturally supports a healthy digestion.
Linseed for hormones
Ladies of a certain age… (we know about these things)
(Speaking from personal experience we think this means ladies of all ages from teens upwards and men too!) Linseed’s reputation comes from the fact that the husk of the seed is nature’s richest source of lignans. Not only are Lignans sources of antioxidant polyphenols they are are mild phytoestrogens or plant oestrogens that our gut biome converts into mammalian lignans that our bodies can utilise.
Notes for the waistline: linseed is rich in protein, fibre but no starch
Being almost rich in protein, omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fats, approximately one third fibre linseed so linseed fills you up without starch.
Flax Farm ground linseed: flax facts
Rich in good stuff
- Soluble & insoluble fibre
- Lignans (powerful antioxidant)
- Mucilage (soothing)
- Protein
- Omega-3
Wheat-free, gluten-free
And contains none of the naughty things!
- Nut-free
- Starch-free
- Wheat-free
- Gluten-free
Two varieties
Bronze and gold
Flax Farm ground linseed comes in two varieties, cold and bronze (or brown). You can get all the goodness and benefits of ground linseed in our delicious range of ready-to-eat products. Use this page as a guide to help you choose which is best for you.
Ground linseed (flaxseed) comes in two varieties: bronze and gold. It is just the way they grow like some tomatoes are red and others yellow. Nutritionally they are identical. Linseed is not different colours due to they are not roasted, toasted or processed.
Which is best gold or bronze linseed?
Darker bronze linseed is a little nuttier tasting, some people prefer this variety for porridge, muesli and baking. Light or gold linseed has a more delicate flavour, this makes it very versatile for adding into other foods and drinks. Gold linseed makes food taste a bit richer but hardly changes the flavour or colour of food so is often a good choice for children. It is also slightly finer and works better in drinks.
Cracked, milled, flour, meal or ground?
Linseed is a relatively new food in the UK and there is a little debate over the name to call this. We put the linseed though a cold-milling machine which effectively cuts the seeds into very fine particles. We call it ground linseed because it is similar in consistency and its uses to ground almonds.
Ground linseed is the most nutritious way to eat linseed.
Our ground linseed is a fine, easily digestible form of linseed and well tolerated even by the most sensitive digestions. Linseed meal or linseed flour are the names often used for linseed that is a waste product from the industrial pressing of linseed oil and usually contain little or no omega-3 and can contain chemical residues. Flax Farm ground linseed is just whole linseeds freshly ground and contains all the goodness you expect to find in linseed.
Using & cooking with Flax Farm ground linseed
Flax Farm ground linseed can be used in any recipe which calls for linseed (or flax) flour, cracked linseed, milled linseed or linseed (flax) meal.
How to use linseed quickly without cooking. Just stir linseed into food. Particularly good just stirred into:
- Smoothies and juices
- Added to milk drinks and drinking chocolate
- Mashed fruit
- Cooked fruit
- Yoghurt
- Porridge or muesli
- Sprinkle into soups or salads

Cooking with linseed
Ground linseed works well in lots of foods. It is somewhat different to other foods being somewhere between ground almonds and porridge oats by nature. It is good added to bread, cakes, traybakes, muffins, brownies and energy bars. It can be used on its own to make quick gluten-free crackers, breads and cakes or no-bake energy balls. Add it to omelettes, use in snacks suck as kale crisps also great for desserts. Take a look at our recipes.
Suggestions for using linseed
- Normal helping of Flax Farm ground linseed: approx 1 oz/25g/2 heaped dessertspoons per day or a helping of Flax Farm linseed porridge or muesli.
- Research into the health benefits of linseed as a food is usually based on 20-50 g per day, i;e; 1 – 2 ounces eaten over one to two meals per day.
- If you haven’t got the time to add our ground linseed to your own food, try Flax Farm’s linseed porridge and muesli, all healthy, delicious, made with our freshly ground linseed and ready to eat. Porridges, muesli, including no-gluten breakfasts, just add milk, water or yoghurt – or whatever you usually have for breakfast and you get a good helping of linseed also great for a quick healthy dessert or snack.

Our range of ground linseed foods:
Other ways to enjoy all the health benefits of our freshly ground linseed your diet:
- Flax Farm linseed porridge (includes gluten-free)
- Flax Farm linseed muesli
- Flax Farm Flaxjacks®,
We have many varieties which include options for special diets: gluten-free, dairy-free, low-sugar, saturated-fat free etc.
Easy way to improve the diet
Environmentally friendly, kid-friendly, tummy-friendly omega-3 – and fresher than fish oil
Why drink extra water when eating linseed?
We recommend you should drink an extra glass of water when eating ground linseed.
Why? Linseed is a rich source of fibre, including soluble which makes mucilage which is a nice soothing thing for the digestive tract but it means some of the water you drink stays in the digestive tract so if you drink an extra glass of water you ensure you stay hydrated at a cellular level.