Flax Farm Local Collection-Point and Micro-Shop for all our Flax/Linseed Products – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Flax Farm Local Collection-Point and Micro-Shop for all our Flax/Linseed Products

Visit: Enjoy for Flavour and Health

Find the very best Flax (aka Linseed) products tucked away here at Sedgwick. It might seem a bit off the beaten track but we are only 3 miles from Horsham, just over a mile from the main A281, Horsham to Cowfold road. Fresh, lovely Flax, delicious Flaxjacks, wonderful porridge and muesli, Flax oils and more, If you would like a little help with deciding which Flax products you need, just ask, we are here to help.

Best to phone us for directions first time you visit, 01403 268844

Phone: 01403 268844 & Collect

Our collection service and mini shop is a rather well-kept secret, Just choose what you want from our online shop, phone us with your order and collect when convenient.

Flax farm shop visit buy linseed

  • Flaxjacks,
  • Cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil
  • Freshly cold-milled Flax
  • Flax Porridge and muesli

gluten-free muesli porridge

  • Freshly made 
  • Great flavour
  • Lots of special diet options
    • Gluten-free
    • Vegan
    • Dairy-free
    • Nut-free
    • Sugar-free & low sugar

Flax Farm Shop visit buy flax and advice

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