New Yorker cartoon: Flax is this year’s tofu – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

New Yorker cartoon: Flax is this year’s tofu

New Yorker cartoon; Flax is new tofu

“Flax is this year’s tofu”

When  Flax Farm first had a stall at Borough Market we were positioned next to a popular organic   tofu stall, Clean Bean.  One North American customer we had in common brought us in this cartoon from the New Yorker.  We wondered whether the cartoonist, Barbara Smaller had  ever visited the Borough Market and seen the two stalls.

It made us smile and we like to think she may have created the drawing thinking about us.

flax is new tofu - New Yorker
“Flax is this year’s tofu”, cartoon by Barbara  Smaller, cutting from the New Yorker magazine

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