FACEBOOK – Marketing Post – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

FACEBOOK – Marketing Post


Here at Flax Farm we cold press linseed oil and produce linseed meal and other delicious linseed-based products in the good old-fashion way.

We have been producing linseed products since 2005. We are constantly amazed by our experience of linseed and buy what our customers say about it.

Our enthusiasm for it is shared by so many people who love the way it makes them feel.




Steven Allen said ” I take nothing else but this for my health and well being-  truly fantastic” We, of course, agree with him, we’ve got hundreds of customers that ell use how they enjoy our products and how they feel after using them. You can see what some of these people say here – (new window) Feedback


Our little seeds help your body in so many ways.

Ever since Roman times, they have been used to help with everything from inflexible joints through to helping with the effects of menopause.

Of course, it’d be easy for me to list a whole range of benefits and how much improvement you’ll get in all of your symptoms no matter how poorly you feel. You and I both know that is not true. But our customers tells us that our products have solved some of their health issues.

  • Menopause symptoms
  • Joint pain
  • MS – our oil is recommended by Overcoming MS
  • Animal health   – it’s great for horses especially as they get a bit older.
  • Animal Health  – It’s great for dogs, keeps their coats shiny and joints supple

I also want you to try our products with a complete 100% guarantee or satisfaction  – if for any reason you are not satisfied with any or all of our products you can return them at any time for a full refund. There are never any issues with returns – not happy then send them back for a full refund – no questions asked a simple guarantee.


All you need to do is leave us your email address in the form below and we’ll get it out it to you when you confirm your subscription – as a bonus you will also get:-


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