How a shirt grew in the field – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

How a shirt grew in the field

Book how a shirt of linen grew in the field

Children’s book

by K. D Ushinskiai, adapted by Marguerita Rudolph and illustrated by Yaroslavava

I was introduced to this lovely book by a fellow stall holder at Borough Market; it was his favourite book as a child and he brought it in to show me. I loved it too and recommend it to anyone who reads to their children.

boy in field scan

Flax: growing, harvesting, processing & weaving

This is a story about a little Russian boy impatiently waiting for his linen shirt to “grow”.  It explains the whole life history of flax, from sowing, through to harvesting and processing the stems into flax fibre, spinning and on to weaving and making a little linen shirt

It is a lovely tale and beautifully illustrated. Ideal for reading aloud. Targeted at 4-8 years old. Usually available on Amazon.


flax growing
flax growing

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