Linseed (Flax) in a Vegan diet – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Linseed (Flax) in a Vegan diet

Vegan diet

A rich source of plant-based omega-3 and protein for the vegan diet

Linseed is a great plant for anyone on the Vegan diet, an easy way to get important nutrients. The first thing we think of is linseed is a rich source of omega-3, it is one of nature’s richest sources

Flax Farm gluten-free good for the digestion linseed flax flapjacks
Vegan mixed berry Flaxjacks

of this nutrient that’s hard to get enough of in a Vegan diet or Vegetarian diet. It is sometimes a surprise to discover linseed has one of those other nutrients Vegans tend to actively work at getting into their diet and that is protein. Linseed is approximately 20% protein and contains all the essential amino acids.

The Vegan Shop, great tasting nutritious food

The Vegan Linseed Shop is an easy way to find all our vegan foods in one place. Omega-3, lovely linseed ground and whole, brilliant breakfasts, fabulous Flaxjacks.  Flax Farm Linseed is real whole foods. We select the best to give you great tasting food.

How much do you need?

Add ground linseed or our cold-pressed linseed oil to food for a lovely rich, buttery, nutty flavour. Or try our scrumptious Flaxjacks, porridges and muesli for a get boost to a Vegan day. A slug of the oil, a helping of ground linseed, porridge, muesli or a Flaxjack gives you a good daily helping of omega-3.

Flax Farm Vegan diet choices

Do check out our vegan recipes for a vegan diet using Flax Farm linseed. Almost all our recipes are either Vegan so suitable for vegetarians too or have suggestions for adapting them.

Linseed flaxseed oil omega-3 for vegans and vegetarians
Cold-pressed unrefined linseed flax seed oil rich in omega-3

Cold-pressed linseed oil

An easy light buttery, creamy oil that is a rich source of omega-3, approximately 3000mg (3ml) in each teaspoon

Freshly cold-milled ground linseed

Omega-3 and protein

Linseed porridge and muesli

Great breakfasts with all the nutritional benefit of ground linseed

Vegan range of Flaxjacks – including no added sugar and saturated-fat-free options

Amazing, delicious cakes, each slice contains more omega-3 than a piece of salmon, low GI, some no added sugar and no added saturated fat.

Whole linseeds

Linseed oil capsules

I000mg Omega-3 oil in easy to swallow vegan shell. A convenient way to take Omega-3 and useful for travelling.

Luxury Vegan Apricot, Orange and Pumpkin Seed Linseed Flaxjacks Gluten-free Flapjacks
Luxury Vegan , Orange and Pumpkin Seed Linseed Flaxjacks Gluten-free Flapjacks

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