Linseed (flaxseed) Flour – Bronze – 450g – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Linseed (flaxseed) Flour – Bronze – 450g


Lower fat linseed for baking and adding to everyday foods

  • Nutty flavour
  • Lower in fat and lower in calories
  • High in protein,
  • High soluble and insoluble fibre
  • Sugar-free
  • Net-carb-free
  • Concentrated lignans
  • Low fat, lower calories than ground linseed
  • A source of omega-3
  • Versatile and easy to bake with

Flax Farm coarse ground flour is ready to add to your baking as well as daily meals for improved nutrition and health benefits.  Added to baking recipes up to 30% it behaves more like oat flour. Great in bread, muffins cakes and brownies.