Blueberry & Lemon Cake made with Flax Porridge – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Blueberry & Lemon Cake made with Flax Porridge

Blueberry and lemon cake gluten-free wheat-free oatmeal

Linseed (Flaxseed) Porridge a Great Baking Ingredient

We are going baking mad! Linseed (Flaxseed) Porridge is such an amazing baking ingredient. It incorporates two types of ground flax, the result is tasty, rich, substantial filling and healthy, we love this cake.

Best Gluten-free baking flour Flax Farm Linseed Porridge

Less of the naughty things and more of the good things

Credit to Waitrose for giving us the idea but their version used flour and we need to have gluten-free cakes here. We really like the improved texture of cakes made with Flax porridge. By using our linseed porridge another bonus is it’s full of omega-3, fibre, soluble fibre and antioxidants.for more nutrition but it’s got 20% less butter and 20% less sugar, which has got to be good.

Blueberry and lemon cake gluten-free wheat-free oatmeal

Blueberry and lemon cake gluten-free wheat-free oatmeal

Blueberry & Lemon Cake made with Flax Porridge

Hearty, fruity, lemony, quickly made with flax/linseed porridge for a wonderful satisfying texture and the health benefits of flax in every bite and gluten-free
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Course Baking, Dessert
Cuisine Anti-inflammatory, Gluten free, Healthy, Vegetarian
Servings 8


  • 175 g Flax Farm Flax Porridge
  • 140 g Unsalted butter Salted butter is just fine too. Get it out of fridge so it's at room temperature
  • 140 g Golden caster sugar plus 2 tbs for topping or other sugar or healthier baking sweetener
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp salt, not needed if using salted butter
  • 150 g Blueberries, we use frozen Fresh are good too
  • 1 Unwaxed lemon
  • 2 large eggs or 3 small eggs


  • Grease 8-inch/20-cm loose-bottomed cake tin, and line with baking parchment. Other well lined tin/dish of similar area will also work.
  • Preheat oven to 180C
  • Zest lemon and squeeze juice into a separate container
  • Place butter and 140g sugar in a bowl. Using a mixer thoroughly combine, then beat in eggs one at a time, followed by vanilla and lemon lemon zest
  • Lightly stir in Flax Porridge and pour into prepared cake tin, scatter blueberries over the top and bake for 30-40 minutes. It's done when a skewer is inserted and comes out clean.
  • Before the cake is taken out warm the lemon juice and add 2 tbs sugar in a small saucepan, stir until dissolved Pour over the cooked cake while still warm. Allow to cool to room temperature, then remove from tin and serve.


Made with Flax Porridge and all the better for it. A more rugged succulent and substantial cake. perfect for a coffee break, dessert or teatime.  It doesn't really need anything added but Budwig cream (100g strained, Greek fat-free yoghurt blended with 50ml Flax Farm cold-pressed flaxseed oil), whipped cream or ice-cream are lovely with it, 

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