Fish Trio Salad with Ground Linseed (Flax) and Linseed Oil Dressing – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Fish Trio Salad with Ground Linseed (Flax) and Linseed Oil Dressing

Fish salad suitable for diabetic diet, low carb, Omega-3OMS friendly d

A great way to use linseed in savoury food

I speak to lots of people who don’t know how to get more cold-pressed linseed (flaxseed) oil and ground linseed into their diet.  I love adding ground linseed to salads because it makes them more filling.

Nutritionally superior salad and fills you up better

Ground linseed obviously adds more fibre to your diet, which as doctors keep telling us is good for our gut health and digestion.  Ground linseed has another important benefit, it is a great addition to any meal which contains carbohydrates, starches or sugars.  When you add ground linseed to make it a meal it lowers its glycemic index and is healthier for you.  This is because linseed’s fibre slows the absorption of the starches and helps protect us from blood-sugar spikes.

One of the problems with a lot of salads is that they don’t always fill you up enough, but the ground linseed in this salad doesn’t add a lot of volume but it certainly helps keep you feeling fuller for longer.

More Omega-3

Some fish and shellfish are relatively low in omega-3 so adding a linseed oil dressing really boosts the omega-3 content of the meal.  The omega-3 in fish is mostly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA, (eicosapentaenoic acid). These are longer chain fatty acids but research shows the ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid) in cold-pressed linseed oil is very important and in some ways more effective especially for certain health conditions.

Goodness and Great Flavour

I am a fan of using ingredients that have great flavour and nutritional benefits.  Apple cider vinegar is lovely with the subtle flavour of Flax Farm cold-pressed linseed oil, it works better than olive oil.  ACV has lots of great health properties so it’s good to have a dish to use it in.  If you don’t have ACV then use lemon juice, it also has better health properties than ordinary wine vinegar, it is alkalising and contains lots of vitamin C.

Choices of ingredients

Adapt it to suit you, I find it always comes out delicious.  Add in what you fancy, leave out what you haven’t don’t like or haven’t got and change the quantities to suit how hungry you are. If you need to adapt for a diabetic diet you can leave out the honey and substitute cooked celeriac cubes or florets of cauliflower for the potatoes. Up to you to have three sorts of fish or just one, doesn’t matter, use smoked or fresh poached/baked salmon or trout.

Use up leftover veg

If you have leftover cooked veg, peas, broad beans, green beans, beetroot, cauliflower, celeriac, squash etc just add into the salad before dressing it,

Fish salad suitable for diabetic diet, low carb, Omega-3OMS friendly d

Fish Salad with Ground Linseed (Flax) and Linseed Oil Dressing

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Main Dish, Salad, Sauce
Cuisine Anti-inflammatory, Dairy-free, Digestion-friendly, Gluten free, Healthy, Linseed oil, Low calorie, low carb, Omega-3, OMS Diet, Paleo, Saturated-fat free, Wheat-free
Servings 2 servings


  • 150-200 g Cooked prawns, salmon or trout, or marinated anchovies salmon or trout fresh or smoked, Anchovies - silver/white fillets not the dark salty ones., Smoked Mackerel or even tinned fish works fine.
  • 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
  • 60 g Tomatoes
  • 1/2 -1 Sweet red pepper sliced
  • 60-100 g Potatoes, ideally new or waxy but any potato will will be nice
  • 60-100 g Cooked beetroot, Dressed, marinated or chilli beet root are good options
  • Double handful Salad leaves/lettuce
  • 1-2 Tbs Chopped parsley
  • 60-100 g Cooked broccoli
  • 2 Flax Ground Golden Linseed If you only have bronze linseed that's fine too.

Vinaigrette Salad dressing

  • 6 Tablespoons Flax Farm cold-pressed linseed oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Apple-cider vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1/4 -1/2 clove of garlic crushed
  • 1 rounded tsp Seedy mustard optional
  • 1-2 tsp Capers
  • Salt and pepper optional
  • 1 tsp honey optional


  • First, boil your potatoes and drain. If large cut into slices or smaller chunks and allow to cool.
  • Steam or boil broccoli, drain and cool, cut into small bite-size pieces
  • While the potatoes and broccoli are cooking/cooling make the dressing, Simply place all the vinaigrette ingredients in a jamjar, bowl or jug. Shake/mix well.
  • Place salad leaves, beetroot, onions, tomatoes, broccoli and potatoes in a bowl, drizzle over a couple or so tablespoons of dressing, then sprinkle over the ground linseed and lightly combine.
  • Divide dressed salad between plates, top with fish and drizzle over a little more dressing and serve.

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