Anti-inflammatory drink: golden turmeric milk – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Anti-inflammatory drink: golden turmeric milk


Turmeric tea and milk: delicious, healthy, potent and amazing

You may have heard about the amazing benefits of turmeric and curcumin. Probably like most people you want whole foods not supplements. Turmeric tea or golden turmeric milk gives you all the anti-inflammatory benefits from this amazing spice and is boosted with other healthy, anti-inflammatory, protective spices and oils.

Curry Spice

Turmeric is exactly the same brilliant golden-yellow spice that is an ingredient in Indian curries, also called Indian saffron. To get the best from the active ingredient, curcumin, it is important to have the turmeric ground, it needs heating to help release the properties. Oil is important to make the active ingredient more soluble; what better than Flax Farm, cold-pressed linseed oil, rich in omega-3 and it tastes great making it an ideal oil to use with turmeric.  Black pepper is important as a catalyst for making curcumin’ anti-inflammatory properties effective.

Traditional ayurvedic remedy

Turmeric is common in ayurvedic medicine and has been well known for centuries.

Other curry spices such as cinnamon, chili, ginger and black pepper have anti-inflammatory properties and taste good with turmeric.

Turmeric properties

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Relieves IBS
  • Targets pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancer-fighting
  • Improves liver function
  • Cardiovascular protection
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Keeps joints supple
  • Protection against Alzheimer’s
  • Protection against diabetes
Turmeric paste ingredients for turmeric tea and golden turmeric milk
Turmeric paste ingredients for turmeric tea and golden turmeric milk

Turmeric paste recipe:

This is very simple. Mix 3 rounded tsp ground turmeric with 100g runny honey (preferably raw and local)  Use this a teaspoon at a tim eto make turmeric tea and golden turmeric milk drinks. It can also be used to treat inflammatory skin conditions. Store for up to a year (or more).

Word of warning: be very, very careful with turmeric; the powder and drinks tend to stain anything they come into contact with bright yellow!

Turmeric tea recipe

This makes a surprisingly pleasant drink.  First you make a paste from ground turmeric and honey:

Add 1 tsp turmeric paste to a cup of hot water and add a pinch of ground black pepper and a few drops . Add a slice of root ginger and a pinch of cinnamon if desired.

Delicious golden turmeric milk recipe

Golden turmeric milk is richer than the tea, it is so gorgeous I prefer it to hot chocolate – and that’s saying something from a chocaholic!


  • Turmeric tea and ingredientSPlace 1 heaped tsp of turmeric paste (see above) in a mug.
  • Add several thin slices of root ginger,
  • A large pinch, up to 1/2 tsp, of ground black pepper
  • Top up with with just off boiling diluted coconut milk (made with 1 part thick coconut milk and three or four parts water).
  • Now add 1/2 – 1 teaspoon Flax Farm cold pressed linseed oil.
  • Drink and enjoy up to a couple of times per day. 


  • You can use almond milk or even cows or goats milk.
  • Add cinnamon, cayenne or chili for health properties and flavour.


Curcumin is both the colouring (pronounced (kirk-u-min) compound and active ingredient in the Indian spice turmeric.

The health properties come form it inhibiting the pain and inflammation pathways. It is also believed to cross the blood-brain barrier and helps treat Alzheimer’s


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