Flax Farm Podcast – Omega 3 – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Flax Farm Podcast – Omega 3

flaxseed oil better for omega-3

The benefits of Omega-3 from Flax

The benefits of physical and mental well-being from Flaxseed Oil Omega-3 can be so amazing you’ll wish you discovered it years ago.  This is the Flax Farm podcast for January 2024.

Today we are talking about Omega 3. What it does in our body and why it’s important.

How it’s better for the environment.

There is a slight bit of background noise in this audio, we are a working farm.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.


No Fish, Better for the Environment and Probably Better for you too

Flax is a lovely, creamy neutral tasting food, which is great for those who aren’t keen on the flavour of fish. Omega-3 from Flax is also good news for fish and the oceans because it is grown on the land similar to cereals, unusually it is a very non-intensive crop that seldom needs fertiliser or chemicals which all means it is a very environmentally friendly and sustainable way of getting your omega-3.

Recently research has started to show that omega-3 for flaxseed oil can be better for you than algae or fish-based omega-3

Linseed flaxseed oil omega-3 for vegans and vegetarians
Cold-pressed unrefined linseed flax seed oil rich in omega-3

Flax Farm products for Omega-3

Getting enough omega-3 is as easy as enjoying a helping of these yummy  Flax Farm foods:

Easy Ways to Incorporate more Omega-3 in your Diet

You don’t have to be a clever cook to improve your omega-3 levels naturally with our flaxseed/linseed products, We have loads of lovely easy recipes, quick easy recipes for using flaxseed (linseed) oil for omega-3. 

Or have a look for even simpler ideas which involves no more than just eating ready made flax porridge, muesli or Flaxjacks, or simply stirring flaxseed/linseed oi or ground flax into your meals.

Ground Flaxseed – 2 varieties

Flaxjacks over 20 varieties, with special freefrom varieties so options to suit everyone

Flax Porridge/Muesli 8 breakfasts to choose from

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