How to fall in love with FLAX (Linseed)
Some suggestions that should help you to choose which product/s would best help your health.
Linseed, Linum usitatissimum (which means, “the most useful linum” so named because of all its uses) was one of the first plants ever cultivated. Its cultivation goes back at least 10,000 years. The oil was used for paint, varnish, waterproofing, heating and lighting. The stems of the linseed are the “flax” which is turned into fine strong thread that has been used to make everything from fishing line, nets, ropes, saddle lining, fabric, sails, parachute-cord, bedding, underwear, clothing and even incorporated into old-style paper banknotes.
Many health Benefits and remedies
Flax (Linseed) is used as a medicinal herb and therapeutic food. Many different remedies have been recorded from as long ago as ancient Babylon, right through Ancient Rome, to Culpeper through to the modern day. Linseed is a highly nutritious food, high in protein and omega-3 rich oil, so would have been a popular food for people and animals. It is also a therapeutic food for many conditions; “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” (Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine, 460-370 BC)
It is important to use the right form of linseed in the correct way, to get the best effects.
When to choose Cold-pressed Flaxseed (Linseed) Oil
Cold-pressed Flaxseed (Linseed) Oil is Nature’s richest source of the inflammatory fat, omega-3. As Flax grows on the land, it’s sustainable. It’s an essential fat, every cell needs it to function correctly. Linseed oil is cholesterol free and a a source of “good fats”. Used for: joints, cardiovascular system, and to maintain supple backs. Supporting the immune system, helping to keeping eyes comfortable, feeding the brain and supporting mental wellbeing.
How to Use Cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil
Cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil can be added to food (between 1 teaspoon and two tablespoons, or more, depending on age, condition or special diet)
Favourite ways to incorporate flaxseed oil into the diet: added to porridge, yoghurt (especially fat-free), potatoes and baking. It makes a great vinaigrette, (try it with apple cider vinegar) smoothies, hummus and dips.
What to use Ground Linseed for
(Flax) Linseed is always best ground; 15,000 years ago our ancestors use to grind linseed when using it as food. Gold and bronze have similar nutritional properties. Gold is milder and looks innocuous, so it is easy to hide in food for fussy eaters! It is a rich source of exceptionally beneficial dietary fibre and lignans (hormone buffering and powerful antioxidant)

Gut support
Use to assist a regular digestion . Helps IBS, over-active sensitive digestion, and bloating. As an aid to weight loss Flax keeps you feeling fuller for longer, helps to keep blood-sugars level, helps provide an advantageous environment and nutrition for the gut biome after taking antibiotics. More Flaxe (linseed) can equal a more diverse gut biome andding more “bulk” which aids natural gut function.
Carb-free, Low GI Keto, Paleo diets
Flax, (Linseed) is effectively carb-free/sugar-free, so useful for diabetic and keto diets, it’s not a nut, it’s a seed and therefore naturally gluten-free.
Hormone Balance
Linseed helps balance ladies’ hormones and can help gentlemen’s conditions too! A serving of two tablespoons, added to food (don’t worry if it sounds a lot, it virtually dissolves) once or twice a day. In studies, using a serving of 45g per day, Flax has shown to bring relief to some of the common symptoms experienced during menopause.
Suggested therapeutic diets that use linseed/flax:
The Budwig Diet, Overcoming MS Recovery Plan
Other uses
Surprising uses for Flax/ Linseed. – Flax has a long history as a cough medicine, Flax seed was the basis for many patented cough medicines during the Victorian era.
To make a soothing liquid remedy that will calm a tickly throat or chest: Place a couple of tablespoons into approximately a pint of water, bring to the boil and simmer for an hour. Dilute, if necessary, strain and add to honey and lemon, tea or even shakes and smoothies, particularly useful for persistent coughs.
To use as a remedy to soothe the stomach: Make a gloopy “tea” that’s a lot thicker than the cough remedy, using more seed/less water, until so thick you can only just strain it. Consume the gloop, as thick as you can cope with, and it helps put a soothing protective film in the stomach.
Makes a good old-fashioned poultice, the antimicrobial properties made it a common treatment during WW1 and was recommended in Culpeper’s herbal . In the early 1900s North American tubs of milled linseed were sold to chemist shops to make poultices.
Flax Farm provide; cold-pressed flaxseed (linseed) oil, capsules, ground and whole linseeds, and a range of homemade ready to go linseed foods,. Porridge, Muesli and Flaxjacks, carb-free, and healthy Flax Crackers This great selection of products all give a good daily helping of ground flax ( linseed) Why not try them!.