New, Versatile, Easy to Use Flavoured Flax Oil – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

New, Versatile, Easy to Use Flavoured Flax Oil

Herb flavour flax oil

Add flavour, creaminess and Omega-3  in one go

Flax Farm takes great pride in producing 100% pure naturally mild, creamy cold-pressed flaxseed/linseed oil from the best possible flaxseed.  For some people sometimes it’s nice to have some other options so after 20 years Flax Farm has broken with tradition and, after many requests, we have introduced Flax Farm cold-pressed flaxseed/linseed oil flavoured with nature-identical flavourings to make it even tastier and suitable to be added to savoury or sweet food for additional flavour or taken off a spoon.

Lots of people, especially children, find it hard to handle the flavours of unrefined flaxseed/linseed oil so we have decided that if adding some tempting top quality, nature-identical flavours to the oil helps people to start consuming our cold-pressed flaxseed oil and get the benefits of omega-3 then it’s what we will do. We are all enjoying trying it out in new recipes and the dogs love the bacon version.

Tasty, great for children and adults

If like me you initially find the flavour of natural cold-pressed Linseed (flaxseed) oil a bit daunting, maybe you just find oil tastes too oily on its own or have been put off by bad experiences with rancid oil in the past you might like to try our range of lovely Flavoured Linseed Oils. When you are trying to keep your diet healthy but want the flavour and need omega-3 these oils are the answer.

Children are often spooky about new flavours so flavours they used to makes this an easy way to get them used to including flaxseed/linseed omega-3 in their diet.

Versatile, Cholesterol-free and Delicious in Food

Of course you can take it off a teaspoon but we think using the oil in food is even nicer. It means you can cut down on naughtier foods, like butter or cream. Flaxseed Oil is Cholesterol-free by using flaxseed oil instead and get the health benefits of omega-3.

Yummy Butter Flaxseed Oil Lovely on toast if you are trying to keep your saturated fat and cholesterol intake down. Also use it to mash potatoes and over other veggies. Yummy Butter Flaxseed Oil

Sizzling Bacon Flaxseed Oil I love this added  lentil soup and bean casseroles. It’s also a great seasoning for fish, just add a teaspoon or two to fish cooked en papillote or drizzle over before serving with a few freshly chopped herbs. If you avoid bacon for health or ethical reasons this is the answer and the omega-3 means it’s a win-win. sizzling-bacon-flavoured-flaxseed-oil-250ml Sizzling Bacon Flaxseed Oil

Herby Flaxseed Oil  Try in salad dressings, drizzled over fish, chicken or turkey. Super in soups. Lovely for a herby mashed potato or celeriac and especially good with mashed swede. Herb Flaxseed Oil

Lemon Flaxseed Oil Lemon can be added in savoury and sweet dishes.  Try with fish, as salad dressing and in yoghurts – especially useful for making bland low fat yoghurts taste gorgeous and creamy. Lemon Flaxseed Oil

Strawberry Flaxseed Oil: Super yummy. Very good in porridge or muesli. Try it added to 0% fat yoghurts and non dairy yoghurts or milk puddings for creaminess and lovely strawberry flavour. Also good added to desserts made with tofu. Strawberry is a great flavour for kids. Strawberry Flaxseed Oil

.Herb flavoured flax oil

Flaxseed Oil for Flavour and Health

These are top quality, freshly cold-pressed pure flaxseed oil – we aren’t trying to hide anything just offering some variety to make lovely flaxseed oil even more tempting.  The flavoured flaxseed oils are suitable for OvercomingMS, (OMS) the Budwig Diet and other therapeutic diets.

  • Cholesterol-free
  • Saturated fat-free
  • Vegetarian
  • Completely plant-based and vegan
  • High in Omega-3
  • Freshly-pressed

Enjoy flavour and good health,  🙂

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