The best kept Gluten-Free baking secret : Flax Farm Linseed Porridge – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

The best kept Gluten-Free baking secret : Flax Farm Linseed Porridge

Flax Farm Linseed Porridge

Flax Farm Linseed Porridge for delicious Gluten-free baking – and it’s healthier too

Linseed Porridge is one of Flax Farm’s best-kept secrets. I bet even people who buy it for their breakfast don’t know how good it is.  It’s probably my fault because I don’t eat porridge but I find everyone else here loves it, so any leftovers from making a batch are taken home by one of the baking team and enjoyed.
However, I am guilty of keeping the best gluten-free flour secret!  I have been wheat-free/gluten-free ever since Flax Farm started nearly twenty years ago. I have never bought ordinary gluten-free flour because they are usually just refined carb starchy flour with not nutritional merit.  Flax Farm Linseed Porridge is different, full of goodness and delicious. It has been my go to “gluten-free flour” for most recipes for almost two decades. I use for almost all my baking and even if using standard recipes I find I seldom, if ever, need to make adjustments.  The other ladies here also love it for their baking – some aren’t even gluten-free!
Gluten-free shortbread made with linseed flax porridge

What I like about Flax Farm Linseed Porridge as a flour

  • GREAT flavour
  • High fibre, very kind to the tummy and helpful for the digestion
  • Only TWO ingredients, all natural
  • Lots of soluble fibre so good for cholesterol
  • Fresh
  • Real flavour so you don’t need to rely on extra sugar
  • Much lower GLYCEMIC INDEX and LOWER carbs than other gluten-free flour
  • Good source of omega-3, vegetarian protein
  • MORE filling, more sustaining healthy baking
  • Good if you are watching your blood sugar levels
  • Lower in starch than ordinary gluten-free flour
  • Great texture

Get baking, try this amazing ingredient

Now it’s time to share our Flax Farm Linseed recipes. In this series of recipes, we have pizza base, shortbread, cookies, linseed flapjacks, linseed oat cookies, linseed oat chocolate chip cookies, fruit cake. Flax Farm Linseed Porridge is great for sweet and savoury foods. Fruit scones, crisp cheesy biscuits, cheese scones and dumplings (scrummy!) are coming soon.

Gluten-free cookies recipe made with linseed flax porridge

A super-tasty and healthy Ingredient; your family’s digestion will thank you

Whether you are gluten-free or not, Flax Farm Linseed Porridge is a super ingredient for all your baking. Use to replace between a quarter and a third of the flour in your usual bread, cookie, biscuit, buns,  cake and muffin recipes.
  • More flavour
  • More goodness, protein, fibre, omega-3
  • Less starch, lower carbs
  • Easy to use
  • More sustaining, keeps you feeling fuller for longer

This is how good is linseed porridge is as a baking ingredient

I used our Flax Farm Porridge (gluten-free naturally) to make a pizza base for Vegan pizza, (no mozzarella) and everyone in the office wanted a second slice and that includes Nigel, who is one of those totally anti-anything-vegan-it’s-not-food-unless-it’s-meat-or-real-cheese-people!!!Best Gluten-free baking flour Flax Farm Linseed Porridge

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