Apple, Berry, Linseed and Oat Muffins – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Apple, Berry, Linseed and Oat Muffins

Gluten-free, high-fibre, dairy-free high protein breakfast muffins

Super Scrummy, Healthy Satisfying Muffins for Breakfast, Coffee Break, Tea or After exercise.

We are loving baking with Flax Farm Linseed (Flax) Porridge. It ticks all the boxes for healthy eating.  Tasty and really satisfying, good for the tummy, gluten-free, low carb, lots of good linseed fibre, fills you up more for longer.  Because linseed is such a great food we avoid adding naughty ingredients. We used xylitol here to make it suitable for a diabetic diet but feel free to use other sweeteners,

Choice of Ingredients

All our porridges mueslis are gluten-free. We use Linseed Porridge, but our Fruity Porridge, Super-Seedy and Special Gluten-Free Linseed & Buckwheat Porridge With Quinoa work really well too.  This muffin recipe is easily adaptable to no saturated fat, no nuts or meet the needs of other intolerances,

Why use Flax Farm Linseed Porridge instead of Wheat Flour or Gluten-free Flour?

  • Tastes great
  • More filling
  • Higher in fibre
  • Higher in protein
  • Better mineral content
  • Lots of omega-3
  • Kinder to sensitive digestions
  • Less fattening
  • Great texture
  • Good for the digestion
  • Lower carb
  • Low GI
  • Sugar-free
  • Rich in oat beta-glucan, good for cholesterol levels
  • Just natural whole grain/whole seed, nothing added, nothing taken away, no odd ingredients

Thank you Richard Ranson of for the recipe which we have adapted to use Linseed Porridge,

Gluten-free, high-fibre, dairy-free high protein breakfast muffins

Apple, Berry, Linseed & Oat Muffins

Quick, easy, super yummy and healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free, low GI, low-carb, high-fibre muffins made with Flax Farm Linseed Porridge,
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Baking, Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Anti-inflammatory, Dairy-free, Digestion-friendly, Gluten free


  • Grater
  • standard 6 muffin tray, if not using silicon moulds, use baking parchment to line.
  • spoon,
  • scales or cup measure
  • mixing bowl


  • 85 g 1 cup Flax Farm Linseed (Flax) Porridge
  • 45 g 3 Tbs Xylitol or more to taste or other sweetener
  • 1 tsp Baking powder
  • 120 g Grated apple I used Bramley but use what you fancy Carrot or courgette is also good
  • 120 ml 1/2 cup Apple juice cider, water or cold tea (not too strong)
  • 100 g 1 cup Ground Nuts or Desiccated Coconut or a mix Or use ground pumpkinseed and sunflower seeds
  • 2 Whole Eggs or 4 egg whites
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon optional
  • 1/2 tsp Mixed spice optional
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract optional
  • pinch salt optional
  • 4 tsp Maple Syrup or other sweetener optional
  • 95 g Berries, any fresh or frozen If using large strawberries, chop them.


  • Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well
  • Quickly transfer to to muffin tray
  • Spoon berries over the top and lightly press in into the mix
  • Bake at 180, fan oven for 15-20 minutes until firm underneath.


Gluten-free, high-fibre, dairy-free high protein breakfast muffins
Keyword cake,, gluten-free, healthy breakfast,, muffins, nut-free, nutrient dense, sugar-free

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