Special healthy brownies, super for Budwig Diet, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetic Diets, Keto, OMS, & Weight Loss – Flaxseed | Cold-pressed Flax oil | Milled Flax Seed | Handmade Flaxjacks

Special healthy brownies, super for Budwig Diet, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetic Diets, Keto, OMS, & Weight Loss

Gluten-free, sugar-free, low sugar, keto, low carb, healthy vegan brownie, egg-free, OMS, Diabetic

A couple of weeks ago one of my colleagues decided she needed really healthy brownies in her life.  I always avoid saturated fat and sugar but was trying to lose a few pounds so it was perfect timing for a healthy brownie project.  Everyone loves these not-too-sweet chocolate brownies. Being sugar-free and high fibre, makes them very filling, just right for my low-carb diet. On it, I’ve lost over 3.5kg (7lb) quickly and easily whilst eating brownies on a daily basis. What’s probably even better is they’ve helped curb any craving for chocolate or sweet desserts.

These are just about the perfect treat for anyone following a healthy diet.  They are especially good for the Budwig Diet, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetic Diets, OMS Diet and Weight Loss. These brownies are rich in good nutrients such as  omega-3 (more than 5g per slice),and Vegetable protein, (4.3g fibre) as well as seriously reducing the  saturated fats (less than 2g per slice). Also, there is no added sugar, (only 2 g per slice)  and low net carbs (only 4.4 per slice).

If you are following a restricted diet for your health it can be hard to find proper healthy treats. Instead of straying from your diet regime, try this recipe to make intensely chocolatey, delicious, and very satisfying brownie style cakes with no naughty ingredients but full of the good nutrition.  There is no added sugar but are so chocolatey and satisfying that they really help when you are trying to lose weight.

Super free from

  • Gluten-free
  • Sugar-free/No added sugar
  • Very Low-Carb
  • No added saturated fat
  • Plant-based

Nutrient Dense

Incredibly good nutrition; a good helping of all these in each slice.

  • Omega-3
  • Fibre and Soluble fibre
  • Good unsaturated fats
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins A, C & E
  • Tocopherols, phytosterols, and phenolic compounds

Adapt to your own palate

These brownies are great, Follow the recipe exactly and you get rather grown up, with none of the naughties usually associated with cakes and brownies but lots of nutritional benefits.


In the recipe I use yacon syrup to keep my intake of sugar and carbs down. The brownie is delicious and chocolatey but not very sweet, so feel free to add different or extra sweetener such as maple syrup, erythritol, stevia, honey or whatever else suits your diet.  To add interest fold in pecans, walnuts, or cocao nibs if required.

Nut butter

Use whichever nut butter you like. I use unsweetened nut butters. I prefer to avoid saturated fat so for me peanut butter isn’t ideal; instead I use nut butters which are predominantly unsaturated and contain good fats. A combination of almond and a little tahini for extra flavour is yummy.  For making a great brownie peanut or any nut butter works just fine. You can use tahini alone even though it has a strong flavour it makes a delicious brownie.

Ground Flaxseed

Bronze or gold ground flaxseed work equally well.


Super-healthy Brownies

Special healthy brownies, super for Budwig Diet, Diabetic Diets, Cardiovascular Health, OMS Diet, Weight Loss &
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Baking, Breakfast, Dessert
Servings 8 slices


  • food processor not totally essential, you van mash it all together with a fork in a mixing bowl
  • small baking tray or dish approx. 12 x 18 cm (4.5 x 7.25inch) lined with parchment
  • 1 Spatula or similar


  • 150 g Cooked sweet potato
  • 50-75 g Ground flax
  • 50 g Flax Farm Cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil
  • 25 g cocoa or cacao powder cocoa is more intense, bitter and chocolatey, cacao is milder
  • 90 g Almond or other nut (or seed) butter
  • 10 g Tahini or nut/seed butter
  • 40 g Yacon syrup, maple or other syrup, honey, etc
  • 40 g water If you would prefer sweeter brownie combine the syrup and water measurement for just syrup
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract optional but does taste nice


  • Place all the ingredients into a food processor (or mixing bowl) and mix thoroughly.
  • Turn into parchment-lined baking tray or dish, flatten out and ake at 180 for 20 minutes or until firm but don't overcook.
  • Remove from oven, cool and cut into slices or squares.
  • Store in airtight container in fridge for up to 10 days or freeze.


gluten-free, sugar-free, saturated fat-free chocolate brownie recipe




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